
The girl behind fitwineo

Hi! My name is Nicole and I'm so happy you are visiting my page. I used to live in Corona del Mar, California, but have since moved up to the Paso Robles area as of August 2021.  I graduated with a BS degree in Nutrition from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. My love for wine began when I was a student at Cal Poly.  With Paso Robles being about 30 minutes north of San Luis, it is conveniently located (rather, was a doable destination activity outside of studying).  Fast forward to today. I am a Wine Educator at DAOU Vineyards and still do some personal training and nutrition counseling on the side through my fitness and nutrition business virtually.  Moving to wine country was the best decision I've ever made as I feel like a kid at Disneyland with all there is to explore! To this day, Paso Robles is still my favorite wine region, so you can expect to see a lot from this area on my page. I like to think of myself as a Paso cheerleader amongst what seems to be a sea of northern California wine lovers.  No offense intended to the NorCal wineries, consider it a matter of rooting for your favorite team.

Some other fun facts about me are:  I love classic cars (I own a 1966 Ford Mustang), being at the beach, photography, watching the sunset, and, of course, fitness and nutrition.